Tax Due Diligence is analysis of all tax aspects of business, including assessment of current tax burden, state of budget tax computations and relations with tax authorities.
Under due diligence the compliance of tax charges on the amounts and terms with the requirements of tax legislation is also assessed.
The result of such a comprehensive tax analysis is to provide confidence in operations of mergers and acquisitions (M&A).
The assistance of Baker Tilly consultants under Tax Due Diligence:
- test organization of the tax accounting system of the enterprise;
- check transactions relating to transfer pricing, assessing the tax burden;
- diagnostics of tax planning schemes and tax optimization;
- analyzing the reports of tax inspections;
- analyzing court cases with the tax authorities and other supervisory authorities;
- estimate of key tax risks and providing recommendations for their elimination;
- analysis of the impact of recent changes in tax legislation on the activities of the company.